
Want to experience for yourself how user-friendly our fryers are? Then come to our factory, where you can test bake to your heart's content!

For a visit to our factory, a trial baking or a visit by our representative to you as a customer, you can always contact us without any obligation. This can be done by phone or send an e-mail directly to our representative.



Middellandse Zee 9
3446 CG Woerden


We are there for our customers day and night, because our service does not stop after installing a frying range. Our service staff are experienced and trained to quickly identify and fix a fault.


Send a message to come and test bake, for a visit or any other question

Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Kiremko is a brand of QBTEC

QBTEC is a producer of three A-brand frying installations (Perfecta, Smitto and Kiremko), produces cooking equipment for the Qook! brand and units for the HiFri brand., known for fat-free frying. A wide variety of expertise gathered under one roof. High-quality finished installations equipped with the latest technology and the best design: they must be made at QBTEC.